Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
The Castille Elementary PTA Executive Board would like to welcome all new and returning families to the 2024-2025 school year. Our purpose is to support our students and staff with the best possible academic, and social environment to promote learning and growth.
Castille PTA’s success is dependent upon the support and involvement of our families, the staff, and local businesses. A key way to show support and involvement is by becoming a PTA member. Your membership helps support valuable enrichment programs that Castille Elementary otherwise could not afford, including:
Student Assemblies, Field Trip Transportation, Reading Counts, Playground and Classroom Improvements, Family Fun Nights, Additional Student Supervisors at Lunch and Recess, Meet the Masters and so much more!
By joining the PTA you are not obligated to volunteer! Membership is simply an easy way to contribute to the goals of our school and PTA.
To become a member, click HERE . If you would like to pay with cash or check, please email treasurer@castillepta.org.
If you have any questions regarding ways in which you can volunteer at Castille, please email president@castillepta.org.
For more information and to stay connected, subscribe to our PTA Blogs/Newsletters and follow "castillecoyotes" on Instagram and Twitter! Please tag us on social media or send your photos to communications@castillepta.org for us to post on our website! To sign up for membership or purchase school related items (such as spirit wear, celebration books, marquee shout outs and yearbooks, visit our Castille Store on this website!
Your Volunteer PTA Executive Board
- President: Adria Higginson president@castillepta.org
- Executive VP: Christina Michael vp@castillepta.org
- Secretary: Nancy Eckel secretary@castillepta.org
- Treasurer: Dawn Ibara treasurer@castillepta.org
- VP Communications: Lia Wilcox communications@castillepta.org
- VP Fundraising: Evelyn Harrington fundraising@castillepta.org
- VP Student Enrichment: Megan Washburn studentenrichment@castillepta.org
- VP Hospitality: Nancy Mosley hospitality@castillepta.org
- Parliamentarian: Melissa Sharma parliamentarian@castillepta.org
- Historian: Katie Foth historian@castillepta.org
- Financial Secretary: Shirin Maasumi financialsecretary@castillepta.org
- Auditor: Heather Pevney auditor@castillepta.org
- Purchasing: Briegh Haggarty purchasing@castillepta.org
What is the PTA? Why join? The number one reason to join the Castille PTA is to make an investment in your child’s future. Joining the PTA allows you to enhance the growth, experience and educational opportunity of your child during their time at Castille Elementary.
By joining our community of parents, you help our school by supporting the teachers and diverse enrichment programs. There are endless reasons why you should become involved in the PTA at your child’s school; here are some direct advantages to you:
Get Connected! There is no better way to know what’s happening at Castille and in your community than to see it with your own eyes.
Tap into a Network! PTA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers. Building rapport and discussing issues that are on your mind allows you to be part of the solution. You can share ideas, concerns and experiences.
Watch Yourself Grow! By volunteering with our PTA, you put your skills and hobbies to use for a noble cause. Your enthusiasm benefits your child and touches all of the children in our community.
Be Heard! PTA can be a great vehicle to share your suggestions and continue to improve the programs at Castille. Only current PTA members can vote at meetings. Membership gives you a voice and a vote!
Witness Improvement! By getting involved you will be part of the solution, helping make positive changes for our students, school and community.
Be a Role Model! By becoming a PTA member, you will be demonstrating to your child the importance of school and the value you place on Castille as their learning environment.
Please come join us to make a difference in our children, our school, and our community.